Mobile phones have changed our life forever, but not all the changes are for the best. 
The R&D acceleration in engineering has not reached its peak. We will be faced with innovative devices and gadgets in the upcoming 50 years. In the last two decades the world experienced an enormous progress regarding our daily life and our job. Many job positions were replaced by machines, the world has become one big “village” where everyone is connected to anyone via Internet; we speak through mobile phones every single minute and are always connected to family and friends; we send messages, pictures, tunes, we make fun and communicate via mobile phones at the same time.

I remember a world with no mobile phones, computers, notebooks, Internet, mp3, IBM, HP, Windows and Linux. It was a simple world in my childhood. My parents were never frustrated of having a low battery. We arranged appointments during the line phone or live and we had never troubles in postponing them.
Nowadays things have changed so dramatically that everyone is required to own a mobile phone. We are permanently connected to the surroundings. We phone each other every single moment we need to arrange a meeting or to accomplish a task. We are permanently in touch with family and friends and so we can assure they are safe. It is very important for most parents to know exactly where their children are in this dangerous and changing environment.

The cell offers us security and safety. Mobile phones make our life easier, they let us play together and send pictures and tunes to each other. We feel more mobile thus we have connection to Internet and we are able to watch TV and read news on the display.

However, there is a negative aspect as well. Cell phones can be dangerous for our health. The waves going out of the phones are dangerous for newborns and for little children too. Mobile phones damage our private space, we can never switch off. If you have a business mobile phone, you are required to answer it anytime and anywhere. This circumstance is an additional stress for our brain and we can never have an enjoyable holiday or just few minutes to concentrate on a task. Every distraction puts us again in the stress mode.
In addition to this we feel angry and helpless when our phone’s batteries are dead. We lose connection to the entire world and feel isolated.
Despite the numerous disadvantages, owning a mobile phone is a vital necessity in the 21 century.  


There is a strange feeling that manifests itself on many people around the world at least once a week. As Sunday draws to a close, many people are flooded by a bad feeling that the next day is approaching.  Most people are aggravated about Mondays because of the physical and mental discomfort that naturally arise from transitioning between two different activity cycles. 

People have different reasons to hate Mondays:
End of weekend
Wake up early in the morning
Back to work
Because of work/school
Who wants to do work?
Monday is the slowest day of the week
Mondays ruin the weekend
Monday is just a pointless day !?!..!!!
It’s so far from Friday
Stupid Monday morning meetings

Many people ask themselves the same question: Am I passionate about my job?
Is something wrong with your job or is something wrong with your life cycle? The way you feel on Monday mornings doesn’t mean you hate your job. Contentment is a skill in itself, and without it, no achievement will ever be enough. Recall what energy you put in education, in job searches, attempting to interviews and so on. Changing your life path could lead to fulfillment and happiness. Some work for a paycheck, some work for passion. People continue to go to work every morning in order to keep the job (they hate), in order to pay bills and earn their salary. 
Admit it honestly – you hate your routine life!

The worst thing of being unemployed is not having a job. Many people get scared of their future and for many of them being jobless seem never-ending.
Lack of money
Your free time is a waste of time
Low self-esteem
Financial troubles
Don’t even think on those things…! 

In a recession, many people are laid-off, sacked, fired… and you could be one of those. It is a scary situation to begin with, because you suddenly don’t know where to go, how you are going to make ends meet, with no new jobs in the offing. 

It could cost months to find a job during a recession. The biggest “mistake” most jobless people come across is starting a job for only the reason to have a job.  Living day to day on a very limited budget and waiting for help from family and friends, could be very stressful. Trying to find an employer right now leads to emotional chaos and frustration. Launching tons of resumes to companies, agencies and job search sites makes you feel more frustrated when you read “After careful consideration, we regret to inform you…” 
In an attempt to diminish the pain most companies add to the rejection letter the following statement: “However we would like to hold your details on our database for a period of 12 months and will contact you again should we identify an opportunity that may be of interest to you.” Sure this is a polite manner for a refusal.

Head up! Life is now asking you to look deep into you. Ask yourself where do you want to live, what do you want to do, what are your skills and how can you help other people to solve their problems or to achieve their aims. Helping other people could lead you to the next level. You can earn and learn at the same time, you could build new contacts, you can expand your knowledge and get recommendations.
Do not blindly jump on another job! Relax, calm down and consider your near future!

1. Free Reading Test by AceReading
This site provides 156 reading exercises, divided into 13 levels and 4 groups of themes. Very useful for candidates who are willing to sit an English exam and for preparation for verbal reasoning tests as well.

2. Online Speed Reading Comprehension test
A free online speed reading comprehension test. The test includes 11 questions referring to a long and difficult text. A calculator for estimating your comprehension score is added beneath the multiple choice questions.

3. Speed Reading Challenge
This site contents 3 speed reading comprehension tests. They test your speed reading as well as comprehension level. Very good study guide for people who are after sitting English exams or preparing for verbal reasoning tests.

4. RocketReader 1
This is a trial version of software for speed reading comprehension tests. The test includes two texts, verbal games and speed reading exercises. The exercises estimate your reading speed at the beginning and at the end of test. The test helps the reader to concentrate on groups of words and to avoid reading word by word. It is very useful for people who try to read at a higher speed or need preparation for verbal reasoning tests.

5. RocketReader 2
Another trial version of speed reading software! You may take the test and determine your reading speed.

6. Spreeder
That’s excellent free speed reading software on the web. You can copy and paste your own text here and tune the number of words per minute. So you can start at a lower speed level and increase it by the next text. You are allowed to tune how many words to display in a moment.

7. Flash Reading
This site provides with the same speed reading software as the Spreeder. Our personal opinion is that this flash reading has a more user friendly appearance.

8. ZAP Reader
ZAP reader is the same program as Spreeder.

9. Read the 'Online Reading Speed Test' and then take the Comprehension and Memory Test here: Reading Comprehension and Memory Test

10. English Articles
Here you can find 5 tough reading comprehension texts and tests. Good luck!

Related articles: 
How to master full reading skills?
How to master full listening skills? 
What are the top ten skills that employers want?

Reading and understanding business documents are essential tasks of any job position. In every day life people read magazines, newspapers, receipts, e-mails, communication messages via Facebook and Twitter etc.
Business documents possess a lot of difficult phrases and expressions, they come in different shapes and sizes – e-mails, resolutions, circular letters, offers, recommendations, complaints etc. They require concentration during the reading and a good foundation in business related issues. 


When you are reading a whole new document, you should pay attention to the following key points:
--- What are the main ideas of the document?
--- What facts are stated?
--- How many people are involved?
--- What new ideas can I infer from this document?
--- Do I have additional questions? Who may I ask? How to gather additional information?
--- What is author’s attitude or opinion?

In the workplace information seems to come from all directions. Correspondence arrives through fax machines, mails, e-mails and overnight delivery.
Bellow you find great advices how to handle informational overload:

#1. Identify main ideas of the reading section. A good method for developing fast perceiving of what you read is the skimming technique. Skimming is done at a speed three to four times faster than normal reading. Skimming is useful when people have a great deal of material to read and a short amount of time or to quickly assure whether a document merits a closer read.

Skimming strategies:
--- Read the first and the last paragraphs of the document first.
--- Scan the subject if you are reading an e-mail
--- Notice titles / headings / subheadings
--- Look at the illustrations, graphs or other visuals on the page
--- Read the first sentence of each paragraph
--- Read the captions of the visuals

Scanning is another technique you can master in order to read quickly and find information. Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases. Once you've scanned the document, you might go back and skim it. When scanning, look for the author's use of organizers such as numbers, letters, steps, or the words - first, second, or next. Look for words that are bold faced, italics, or in a different font size, style, or color. Sometimes the author will put key ideas in the margin.
In most sources it’s not directly mentioned but scanning often comes before skimming.

#2. Identify supporting ideas of the reading section. Supporting details are the facts and ideas that explain or prove the topic sentence or main idea.

#3. Determine whether information presented in the document is presented as fact or opinion. Try to distinguish
--- how important is the information
--- what are the deadlines for finishing a task
--- how many people are involved
--- what key roles and function do other people have.
Analyzing facts, opinions, recommendations, views and disagreements helps the reader to collect detailed information and have a clear judgment on the current situation.  

#4. Draw inferences and implications from the directly stated content of the business document.
Determine the author’s attitude toward material discussed in the document.  

#5. Generalization
Recognize or predict ideas or situations that are similar to what has been presented in the document.
Draw conclusions & apply ideas!

Related articles: 

Listening skills are essential for the quality of your life and business as well as reading, writing and speaking skills. If you manage to master excellent listening skills, you are going to enhance your communication skills.
Better listening leads to better understanding of key facts, problems, ideas, solutions etc.

Listening Facts:
* In a spoken message, 55% of the meaning is translated non-verbally, 38% is indicated by the tone of voice, while only 7% is conveyed by the words used (Mehrabian, 1981).

* Spoken words only account for 30-35% of the meaning. The rest is transmitted through a non-verbal communication that only can be detected through visual and auditory listening.

* The average person talks at a rate of about 125 – 175 words per minute, while we can listen at a rate of up to 450 words per minute.

* Most people spend at least 45% of communication time listening

* Most people listen to and understand only about a fourth of what is being communicated.

* Listening is the most used of all communication skills.

* Listening is the least developed of all communication skills.

* Listening skills are poorest when people interact with those closest to them. They interrupt and jump to conclusions more frequently.

* Listening is tied to effective leadership.

* Listening leaders recognize that listening and leadership are inseparable and that listening is the best way to learn about the true needs, expectations, and desires of their subordinates.

Why do you need to develop your listening skills? In today’s fast living society no one has time to listen. Many people speak at one and the same time and no one is listening to their counterparts. People desire talking about them and are not willing to go into your thoughts and problems in depth.
By improving your listening skills you will face a better communication with others, you’ll have success and greater results in every day life. Effective public speaking or speaking in front of your friends or spouse is a tool that can be developed in few weeks and trainings. That requires excellent communication skills and the initial ability you need is listening ability.
Below we describe the most important steps you should follow in order to cultivate the ability how to listen and how to catch attention.

# Interest: At first you should show your interest to the speaker. Don’t let you be distracted by other materials, people or events.

# Let the talker feel free to talk: Stop chatting and watch the speaker straight in the eyes.

# Be patient: Allow the presenter to speak slowly, don’t interrupt him/her and try to nod when you feel you know what he or she is talking about.

# Separate the facts from speaker’s opinion!
# Ask questions! Questions are important to gain more information on the topic before you finally meet a conclusion. 

# Be careful of criticizing the speaker, his or her outfit, shoes, appearance.

# If you disagree on one topic, be very careful how you act! Don’t spend more than 7-8 minutes in arguments. In a positive way tell your opinion and enhance it with an example but do not overreact and don’t be emotional. Hold your temper!

# Be aware of body language! Keep eye contact while listening or speaking.

Try using these simple rules and you will be amazed how many information you can gather. To analyze a situation and to find a solution you need information. Knowledge and information are the most powerful tools in our society. Utilize those techniques and results and profit will follow.

If you fear to be rejected on a date, just don’t ask for a date! Is it really so simple?

Most job applicants are afraid of rejecting and often get angry, frustrated and disappointed when receiving a rejection letter. When you are “hunting” for a job, you have to be ready to take risks and to be rejected.
Your aim is to find one perfect workplace, you can not fit to any job offered on the market. Despite how experienced, qualified and skillful you are, don’t forget – there is always someone better than You!

Rejection is part of any job search. The companies are seeking for applicants who suit best to the positions, companies do not offer positions which suit best to your profile! The decision to hire someone and to reject other job seekers is a business decision and has nothing to do with your qualifications. Companies receive many applications on every job offer they post. They look not only on the skills of the applicants, but the common ability to fit into the department, team, organization, salary frame etc. Some companies have pre-described positions and they have in mind what they are seeking for, e.g. sex, background, experience, university degrees and much more. This pre-described frame is not put into the job advertisement. In most cases only the hiring manager has an idea what (s)he needs.
If your CV doesn’t overlay the frame of the hiring manager, you don’t have any chance to get the job! Actually it’s not your fault…
Their fault is they don’t think out of the frame!

Many years ago while finishing my studies I applied in different companies for a job. I received some painful rejections, e.g.

1. “You don’t have the relevant experience for this position.”
Hey guys, I do not have any experience besides two internships in a foreign country. Why did you invite me to a job interview?

2. “We need a co-worker who is willing to travel most of the time… a person who is not responsible for carrying after their children…”
Hmmm… I understand – they need a man for this position. Due to discrimination norms they are not allowed to announce it publicly.

3. “You are overqualified. We seek for an associate who speaks English. People who managed it to master German or other foreign languages are overqualified for this position.”
At least they were honest. No one who invested time, energy and money in a foreign language is willing not to practice it and to forget it in the upcoming two years.

4. “There are some candidates with better qualifications than yours”
In most cases this is the official excuse. They had a pool of candidates and they chose according to their “frame” who to invite to an interview and who to appoint. Your mission is to apply for the job, not to judge their decision!

Related articles:

Job Interview
What is a Group Interview like?
What (not) to say in a Job Interview
The Origin of Job Interviews Youtube Video
Stress Interview Youtube Video

There is no worse feeling than responding to difficult questions during a job interview. The best way to handle that situation is to go prepared to the interview and to stay calm. The following list helps job seekers to gain some view what to expect. Despite how many career advices you are going to read and follow, you will always face a challenging question.
Those questions measure your organizational and planning skills, your behavior, creativity, flexibility and ability to work in a team.

A fellow employee told you what their salary is and wants to know yours. How would you react and what would you do?
Are you a better leader or follower?
Are you willing to take risks?

Can you take instructions?
Can you think of a problem you have encountered when the old solutions didn't work & when you came up with new solutions?
Can you work with direct supervision?

Describe a mistake you made. What have you learned from that mistake?
Do you achieve all of the goals you set? If not, why not?
Do you enjoy working on difficult projects?
Do you feel that money is the most important aspect of a job?
Do you like to work alone or with others?
Do you like working overtime?
Do you like working with numbers?
Do you like working with people?
Do you like working?
Do you manage your time well?
Do you publicly disagree with your supervisor?
Do you think you’re unique?
Do you view job security as of prime importance?

Have you ever worked in a place where it seemed to be just one crisis after another?
Have you worked under multiple deadlines? If so, what did you do?
How did your college education change you?
How do you determine if you are successful?
How do you handle rejection?
How do you persuade people to your point of view?
How do you plan to correct your weaknesses?
How have you shown willingness to work?
How many hours do you usually work in a week?
How would you ask for advice?
How would you ask for help?
How would you describe yourself as an individual?
How would you handle an angry customer?

If your boss’ job became vacant, would you apply for it?
Please give me an example of your experience in staying late to finish a project. How do you feel about that?

Tell me about a significant failure in your life.
Tell me about the time when someone has lost his/her temper at you in a business environment.

What are the five biggest accomplishments of your life?
What are your long range career goals?
What aspects of the job do you believe are the most important?
What do you do when you know that you are right and others don’t agree with you?
What do you hope to do in your next job that you can not do in your present position?
What has your last employer done that motivated you to work harder?
What have been the most memorable accomplishments of your career?
What have you learned on your current job?
What is the most difficult task you have undertaken?
What kind of projects using leadership skills have you done?
What kind of things do you feel most confident in doing?
What part of your workload do you find most challenging?
What risks did you take at your previous job?
What was the greatest disappointment in your last job?
Would you describe yourself as motivated more by your goals or by money?

Your supervisor tells you to do something in a way you know is ineffective. What would you do?

Related articles: 
Job Interview
What is a Group Interview like?
What (not) to say in a Job Interview
The Origin of Job Interviews Youtube Video
Stress Interview Youtube Video

A short guide through proper fashion style in the hot summer days! Found on and embeded for the readers of this blog.

A short guide through all the different versions of Job Interview!
Found on and embeded for the readers of this blog.

This scene is a short fragment of the movie “Postal”. It presents the “perfect” stress interview!
Stress interview is an interview in which the interviewers try to 'discomfort' the candidates in various ways and observe how they react to various difficult situations. The interviewer may show 'arrogant, sarcastic argumentative' attitude and try to put under pressure on the candidate. The basic intention of stress interview is to find out how you react, speak and answer under pressure. In stress interview, they generally don't see your answer is correct or not. They will mainly see how you are handling the situation.
source: here

This funny video brings out important points during a job interview. The applicant is a young and adventurous guy who lies a little bit why he “left” his last job (tribe). The interviewers are mature hunters asking though questions and pressing him. Since they have many good hunters the candidate should explain what kind of additional skills he possesses. Except in hunting he is excellent in gathering as well. The funny part is when he says: “These days men need many skills”.

The reason to move to a bigger tribe shows his will for “career development”. The interviewers had already an inside information that the candidate isn’t reliable because he left his last tribe in order to travel round plains with a friend.

And there comes the next candidate with a “broken” CV and you just roll on the floor laughing!

An incredible funny video!
source: here

The Origin of Job Interviews - The Armstrong and Miller Show - Series 2 Episode 6 - BBC One
Visit The Armstrong and Miller Show on Facebook!
Visit the official website of BBC Comedy!

Good ‘group interview’ presentation needs preparation!

The group interview involves a group of candidates simulating a work environment. It is a valuable source of information on how group members behave in meetings/discussions and when working in a team. Group interviews are used as a screening tool to eliminate candidates. Group interviews usually take a couple of hours. But sometimes they can stretch over several days.
There are observers who evaluate the way participants interact, behave and brainstorm.
The participants are divided into small groups and cases are given to them.

Group activities are used to test teamwork and problem-solving skills.

What does group interview measure?
Influencing Skills
Interpersonal skills
Verbal Communication
Team Work
Quality of Contribution
Leadership qualities
How the candidate will face the public and customers
What level of knowledge candidates have

Successful behavior
Active listening
Information and opinion giving

Negative behavior
Displaying aggression
Attention seeking

Common mistakes
Talk too much without active listening to others
Too conscious of the presence of observers
Merely act as facilitator and contribute little in discussion
Hesitate to disagree even with good reasons
Inappropriate non-verbal communication, e.g. volume of voice, facial expression, eye contact, posture, etc
Too nervous

Here follow some tips what to do before and during a group interview:

1. Research the company on the Internet – official website, forums, blogs. You may find additional information about management styles, people who work in this organization, level of contentedness, salaries etc.
2. Read carefully the position and all details listed on the advertising! Think about it how your skills and experience fit to the job. You may be asked to answer this question.
3. Introduce yourself to the interviewers before the official interview begin. It’s important to make first positive impression!
4. Prepare a 2 minute introduction pointing on your education, past experience, career goals, and how this position will fit into your future career plans. Practice this introduction on people in your everyday life.
5. Group interviews are designed to measure how you interact with other people. So be polite and courteous towards other applicants.
6. Interviewers are looking for leadership skills but it doesn’t mean to talk over the other participants or to be the loudest there. You can enhance your leadership by being proactive, delegate a task to another person, and involve other people in the conversation and “decision making”.
7. Speak wisely! If now it’s your chance to speak – use it effectively! When you try to show your leadership skills, include quieter people into the conversation and praise them for what they said.
8. Take a goodbye from the interviewers and don’t forget to write a follow-up letter.

Generally this is not the final interview and short listed candidates will have a panel or one to one interview.

Links to this Article
Effective Group Interview
How to Perform Well in a Group Interview
Group Interview
Group Interview Questions
What is a Group Interview

Traditional interviews are seldom used in the last years as a main recruiting tool but they are still the strongest instrument when choosing the perfect candidate. Traditional interviews suffer from bad judgment of the interviewer based on the fact that the applicant shows off and lies about their achievement and past experience.
Nevertheless what kind of selection a company is using, at some point of the selection procedure you are going to face the traditional interview. A traditional interview is held by one or more persons in order to talk about your skills, past experience, achievement and success. HR-co-worker notices behavioral and body language sings and the hiring manager watches your experience and analyses if you are a good team player.
Despite what kind of tests - verbal reasoning tests, numerical tests, behavioral judgment tests, professional tests etc. you have passed, the traditional face-to-face interview demonstrates if there is enough “chemistry” between the applicant and their future employer.
Even the best results on professional tests cannot guarantee you a contract with your dream employer!
For this reason we recommend you to read the following articles in order to be prepared for the traditional interview!

1. The Traditional Interview
Extract: “…Interviewing is an interactive process that allows you, the candidate, and your interviewer, the employer, an opportunity to meet, exchange information, and evaluate whether or not there's a fit between you both. Your job is to personalize your cover letter and resume, by talking in-depth about your experiences, skills, and goals, and how they relate to the employer. The employer will evaluate your knowledge about yourself and the employer, your attitude, your confidence, your appearance, and your ability to do the job…
The interview will likely have a definite beginning, middle and end: Introduction, their questions, your questions, end…”

2. Why are Traditional Hiring Interviews so Unreliable?
Extract: “…Managers continue to assess on gut feel. Just because a person dresses well, looks attractive, talks we’ll and acts confidently doesn’t necessarily imply they can do the job. Remember, at interview the candidate is on their best behaviour, what you see is the best you will ever see them! …”

3. Hiring: Why We Are So Often Wrong
“… - More than half of applicants lie or exaggerate in applications and resumes
- 63% of all hiring decisions are reached in less than five minutes of job interview time. The next twenty five minutes or more we spend does not improve this decision.
- Interviewers have less than a 15% chance of identifying lies from application information in an interview.
- Interviews predict job success only 14% of the time.
- Demographic variables such as age, race or gender influence interviewer judgments…”

4. How to have a good job interview
Extract: “…Think of the worst question you could be asked. Again plan how you would answer it. Then this question - and any other - is not going to be that tough for you…”

5. Body language during a job interview
- Choosing the right seat
- Tune your body posture
- What to do with your hands
- When should you look at whom
- Do not worry too much about tension

6. Body language can speak volumes during interview
Another great article on body language and how to behave during an interview!
It contains informations about seating position and eye movement.

7. Body language during job interviews - Non verbal Communication & Hair hat
Watch out! --> a list with simple things you must pay attention before you enter the interviewer room.

8. How to Succeed at Interviews
A short guide with simple rules you must stick to!

9. Should I Add LinkedIn to My Resume?
Extract: “…There’s nothing wrong with having a fun Internet life, but as you know, there are always risks involved. If an employer sees pictures of you slumped over with your drinking buddies, this may very well work against you in the application process. Of course, anyone with half a gnat’s brain should know not to post a crazy picture on their LinkedIn profile; however, choosing the appropriate contacts and even what’s written for your recommendations can make just as much a difference when employers are studying your page to determine who they may be dealing with…”

10. 9 Ways to Succeed in Your Next Job Interview
- Research the company
- Dress for success
- Eye contact is crucial

11. Tim Yandel: The Interview Triangle: How to Succeed in Your Interview

12. Interviews Example: Good Greg
Extract: “…Here is an example interview that can give you ideas about how you can present yourself in the best possible light. Greg is good at interviewing. He is likeable, and he is liable to get a job offer after this interview. Pay attention!...”

The success of many companies and departments depends on choosing the right person doing the job. For any particular job positions there are specific skills the worker should cover. For example – creativity, analytical thinking, ability to concentrate, communication skills – oral and verbal, effective team playing, problem-solving skills, flexibility, technical competency, ability to work in harmony with co-workers etc.

To be an excellent expert in your field is not sufficient – big results are based on joint actions, brainstorming, fresh ideas and high quality teamwork. The harmony build up in a team is very important in order to achieve higher goals. The orders and tasks are not specified by the management in a company any more, just the contrary - they are the results of many brainstorm meetings, personal contribution, conversations between colleagues and accumulation of ideas. The energy in human brains and bodies can lead to excellent outcomes or to controversies among colleagues and weak results. That is why choosing a powerful, smart and energetic team player is the key to the success in your department.

A non-traditional behavioral interview aims to display whether or not the applicant is able to tackle efficiently issues and solve problems, to communicate well with others, to demonstrate initiative and to work well in a team. The basic pillar of behavioral interview is that past performance shows future performance and attitude towards colleagues and work. In order to measure behavior at work the hiring manager should make a list with situations related to the position. The questions must be short, clear and job related.

The hidden meanings of those questions are - - > Situation - - > Action - - > Results !!!

Asking questions what the applicant has done in the past is useful to collect information what the applicant will do in the future. Past experience is a reliable sign for a future condition.
The following articles are good sources to gain more knowledge of the issue.

1. More Than a Gut Feeling – The Behavioral Interview
Extract: “…The behavioral example you ask for should be a specific life history event. It has to be a specific example to be effective. Don’t let the candidate generalize. The candidate might say, “I calm customers down by allowing them to vent.” This may be a good technique but it doesn’t give a specific example. Make sure you keep asking until you get a specific past work event. Make sure you follow up if the example isn’t specific enough and get the information you need…”

2. Behavioral Job Interviews Benefit Candidates
Extract: “…There is a practice in behavioral interviewing called the STAR technique. STAR stands for situation, task, action, result. It basically lays out a plan of how job candidates can (and should) respond to behavioral interview questions. When a behavioral-based interview question is asked, job candidates should pull from their background and experience to identify an appropriate situation which occurred in their career. From this they can then describe what their goal was in dealing with the situation, what action they took and finally, the end result…”

3. Behavioral Interviewing Helps Employers Staff up Their Office

4. Behavioral Interviewing 101
Tips and useful information put into a ppt-presentation.

5. Behavioral Interview questions

6. Behavioral Interviewing Technique

7. 10 Killer Job Interview questions and Answers

8. How to Master the Behavioral Interview

Extract: “…What Are the Three Types of Questions in Behavioral Interviews?... Open questions. These are questions that will allow you to use the SAR format and answer in a clear and concise manner. The employer will likely follow up with additional probing questions, looking for signs that you may not have been completely honest… Closed questions. These are questions that are asked for the purpose of verifying something you may have indicated during the application process or earlier in the interview. The employer is looking for consistency in your answers… Why questions. These are questions that require you to give a logical and decisive explanation for a previous action. The employer is not judging your action, but rather your ability to reason, logic and make a decision…”

9. Behavioral Interviewing
A detailed guide as a pdf-document – easy to download and read.

10. Behavioral Interview Guide
An enormous useful guide with important advices!

11. Behavioral Interviewing
In this article you are going to find some examples to download. Read them carefully!
The questions are ordered in themes as team work, confidentiality, attention to detail, change management etc.
We strongly recommend you to read this article and to go through the available files.

12. How to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions

13. Behavioral Interviewing Strategies
The ever best guide on how to think and speak during a behavioral interview!

A Screening Interview is used to narrow down the list of potential job applicants and increase the efficiency of the formal interviewing process. A screening interview can be:
- A phone interview
- A face-to-face interview
- Computer screening
- Video screening

Being asked to come in for a screening interview is a positive sign because it usually means the applicant has passed the initial resume screening process and the company is demonstrating interest in the applicant.

In order to be prepared for your first screening interview we recommend you to read the following articles:

1. Six Great Tips for Job Screening Interviews
The author Craig Travis explains in details simple general rules how to behave when you encounter that situation.

2. Screening Interview Tips
Screening interviews are crucial methods for the companies to select candidates for the next round of interview. The author gives tips for Phone Interview, Online Tests and Group Interviews.
Extract: Online Tests

"...Online tests generally involve answering multiple choice questions. Though it may seem as an easy option, the questions covered can be very tricky.
• Time management is the first important tip while attending an online test. Tests have to be completed in a stipulated time period. Thus, allocation of time per question must be decided in advance. Avoid wasting too much time on one question. Move to the next question and get back to it later if time permits.
• Keep your mind off distractions. Online tests are stressful but important. Thus, keep yourself focused on the test.
• If you do not know the answer to a question, deduce your answers by logic. Logical and analytical thinking is the key to answer most of the questions..."

3. Interview skills for a screening interview
Five pillars: Preparation, Practice, First Impressions, Main Event, Post Interview.

4. How to pass a screening interview
A detailed article from CVTips you must read.

5. Screening Interview
Extract: “…Screening interviews are not tailored to determine whether a candidate is best suited to the job rather it there to determine whether or not a candidate is good enough to progress to the next round of interviews..."

6. Guide to Conducting Screening Interviews
The purpose of this guide is to provide tips for conducting effective screening interviews.
Extract: "...Screening interviews are a valuable tool for gathering information on applicants and an
essential part of the selection process.
There are three steps in the screening interview process:
1. Preparing for the screening interview
2. Conducting the screening interview
3. Determining a pool of candidates based on the screening interview..."

7. Screening Interview Tips
After giving the definitions of screening interview and telephonic interviews, the author explains in depth the web based interviews.
Extract: “…Web based interviews are growing as faster it could be… After the success of the telephonic round and if the candidate sits/works in a far place then interview is conducted through internet. Like sitting in front of the web camera and giving the interview to the recruiter. This kind of interview not only saves time, travel, money, etc. The candidate can speak and listen with the help of a mike and a stereo headset. Many organizations go through this kind of interviews. It is the best communication method and an alternative to the cost of face-to-face meetings. Anyone, anywhere in the world can execute video conferencing or web based interviews with a compatible software...”

Some companies prefer to arrange a phone interview in order to screen the applicants. What to do if you are expecting a phone call interview?
The following articles can help on the issue:

1. What you should know about Telephone Interview Etiquette
This article describes important DO's and Don'ts you have to face and avoid during phone interviews.
- give a correct phone number
- ask impressive questions
- prepare answers to commonly asked questions
- avoid slang terms
- avoid eating, smoking

2. Five ways to do better in phone interviews
Five easy ways to feel more comfortable and convincing during the phone interview.

3. Preparing for a Telephone Interview
A detailed guide from the begining to the end:
- Make a note of any questions
- Prepare mentally
- Be polite
- Tips on closing the telephone interview

4. Phone Interview Questions
The best way to be prepared is to know what the interviewer is going to ask you.
This article lists common questions, for example:
- Can you tell me a little about yourself?
- What made you apply for this position?
- Why are you considering leaving your current position?
- What are the top duties you perform in your current position?

5. Phone Interviewing Do's and Don'ts
Another great article with simple rules you have to face or avoid, some examples here:
- Don't chew gum or food, or drink anything noisy
- Don't panic if you have special needs
- Don't snuffle, sneeze or cough. If you can't avoid these behaviors, say “excuse me.”

6. Don't wear pajamas for a phone interview
A very good collection of tips --> short and clear! A "keep it short and simple" article, very useful indeed.
- Be enthusiastic
- Never interrupt
- Say thanks
- Avoid saying "um" or "ah"

7. The Seven Stupid Mistakes People Make on a Telephone Interview

A funny story shows common mistakes people are making during phone interviews.
"... "Whew! OK, much better. Wassup? Mr. there?"
"What? Oh, I'm not talking to you." (Chuckling) "Just ordering some breakfast. Did you say something?"..."

Based on a comical story the author leads to 7 stupid mistakes people accomplish during phone calls.

8. 18 Ways to Improve Your Telephone Performance
"...Remember that 90% of all communication is body language. Without the input that body language provides, phone interviews can be tough to manage. Make sure you go out of your way to communicate effectively through the telephone line..."

9. The Phone Screen
Interesting point of view from a recruiter's side --> keep reading - this article is very informative:
"...A phone screen has distinct advantages over a normal in-person interview. First, it’s cheap. It takes 45 minutes to an hour and actually does eliminate about half of the people who looked really, really good on paper...
...My phone interviews have three parts. In the first part, I ask the candidate to describe their career history and basically tell me about themselves...
...The third and final part of the interview is letting the candidate interview me... "

A job interview is a process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in their company, organization, or firm. During this process, the employer hopes to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for the job. []

Job interviews are always stressful - even for job seekers who have gone on countless interviews. A typical job interview has a single candidate meeting with between one and three persons representing the employer; the potential supervisor of the employee is usually involved in the interview process. Candidates for lower paid and lower skilled positions tend to have much simpler job interviews than do candidates for more prestigious positions.

Job interviews in many organizations are getting sophisticated these days. Psychological tests, role plays, and challenges to one's "quick intelligence" and street smarts are often part of the package. Different types of interviews seek different types of information. In any given job hunt, you may encounter one, two or even all seven of the interview types briefly described below.

Phone interviews” are often used to screen candidates. They are used to minimize the expenses when calling candidates out of the town. The goal of phone interviews is to succeed to a face-to-face interview.

A “screening interview” is specifically designed to filter applicants. Screening can take multiple interviews – phone screening, computer screening, secondary screening, video screening.

The "traditional interview" uses broad-based questions such as, "Why do you want to work for this company?" and "Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses." Interviewing success or failure is more often based on your ability to communicate and establish rapport than on the authenticity or content of your answers.

Two main issues are very important in work – behavior and results. The results are the quantity and quality of work a person produce. The behavior describes how a person accomplishes those results. The “behavioral interview” shows how candidates react under certain conditions. Behavioral questions are based on past experience and show the future performance as well.

A “Case Study Interview” can be used to evaluate a candidate's analytical skills, creativity and the ability to frame and structure problems. Usually, the interviewers don't have the "right answers" that you are expected to give.

The "panel or group interview" uses a committee of people, usually around a table, asking questions. The key to this type of interview is to balance eye contact with both the person who asked the question and the remainder of the group.

The "stress interview" is usually a deliberate attempt to see how you handle yourself under pressure. The interviewer may be sarcastic or argumentative or may keep you waiting. Expect these things to happen, and, when it does, don't take it personally. Calmly answer each question as it comes. These are also called intimidation interviews.

Links to this Article:
Different types of job interviews and how to prepare for them
The Top 10 for a Successful Job Interview
Interview Questions and Answers
Job Interview Types
How to pass a screening interview
Screening interview
Behavioral Interviewing Technique

The full version of the HR Dictionary you'll find here
or here

In this post we are going to describe the most important definitions in HR language.

Bias --> The tendency to allow individual differences such as age, race, and sex to affect the appraisal rates these employees receive.

Career Planning and Development --> The deliberate process through which a person becomes aware of personal career-related attributes and the lifelong series of stages that contribute to his or her career fulfillment.

Speak Up! Programs --> Communications programs that allow employees to register Questions, concerns, and complaints about work-related matters.

Layoff --> A situation in which there is a temporary shortage of work and employees are told there is no work for them but that management intends to recall them when work is again available.

Bumping/Layoff --> Detailed procedures that determine who will be laid off if no work is available; generally allows employees to use their seniority to remain on the job.

Voluntary Reduction in Pay Plan --> An alternative to layoffs in which all employees agree to reductions in pay to keep everyone working.

Job Evaluation --> A systematic comparison done in order to determine the worth of one job relative to another.

Merit Pay --> Any salary increase awarded to an employee based on his or her individual performance.

Work Samples --> Actual job tasks used in testing applicants' performance.

Application Form --> The form that provides information on education, prior work record, and skills.

Stress Interview --> An interview in which the applicant is made uncomfortable by a series of often rude questions. This technique helps identify hypersensitive applicants and those with low or high stress tolerance.

Situational Interview --> A series of job-related questions which focuses on how the candidate would behave in a given situation.

On-The-Job Training (OJT) --> Training a person to learn a job while working at it.

Team Building --> Improving the effectiveness of teams such as corporate officers and division directors through use of consultants, interviews, and team-building meetings.

Based on a number of surveys on the skills required by graduates here is a summary of the skills which were most often deemed important.

1. Verbal communication = Able to express your ideas clearly and confidently in speech
2. Teamwork = Works confidently within a group
3. Analysing & investigating = Gathers information systematically to establish facts & principles. Problem solving.
4. Initiative / Selfmotivation = Able to act on initiative, identify opportunities & proactive in putting forward ideas & solutions
5. Drive = Determination to get things done. Makes things happen & constantly looking for better ways of doing things.
6. Detail Oriented
7. Planning & organising = Able to plan activities & carry them through effectively
8. Flexibility = Adapts successfully to changing situations & environments
9. Commercial awareness = Understands the commercial realities affecting the organisation.
10. Time management = Manages time effectively, prioritising tasks and able to work to deadlines.

Other skills that were also seen as important
A positive ‘can do’ attitude
The ability to meet deadlines
Critical Reasoning and Analytical Skills
Emotional Intelligence
Coping with multiple tasks
Managing one's own learning
Ability to handle personal problems
Learn new tasks willingly
Commit to the job
Foreign languages
Lifelong learning
Analytical Skills
Strong Work Ethic
