The full version of the HR Dictionary you'll find here
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In this post we are going to describe the most important definitions in HR language.
Bias --> The tendency to allow individual differences such as age, race, and sex to affect the appraisal rates these employees receive.
Career Planning and Development --> The deliberate process through which a person becomes aware of personal career-related attributes and the lifelong series of stages that contribute to his or her career fulfillment.
Speak Up! Programs --> Communications programs that allow employees to register Questions, concerns, and complaints about work-related matters.
Layoff --> A situation in which there is a temporary shortage of work and employees are told there is no work for them but that management intends to recall them when work is again available.
Bumping/Layoff --> Detailed procedures that determine who will be laid off if no work is available; generally allows employees to use their seniority to remain on the job.
Voluntary Reduction in Pay Plan --> An alternative to layoffs in which all employees agree to reductions in pay to keep everyone working.
Job Evaluation --> A systematic comparison done in order to determine the worth of one job relative to another.
Merit Pay --> Any salary increase awarded to an employee based on his or her individual performance.
Work Samples --> Actual job tasks used in testing applicants' performance.
Application Form --> The form that provides information on education, prior work record, and skills.
Stress Interview --> An interview in which the applicant is made uncomfortable by a series of often rude questions. This technique helps identify hypersensitive applicants and those with low or high stress tolerance.
Situational Interview --> A series of job-related questions which focuses on how the candidate would behave in a given situation.
On-The-Job Training (OJT) --> Training a person to learn a job while working at it.
Team Building --> Improving the effectiveness of teams such as corporate officers and division directors through use of consultants, interviews, and team-building meetings.
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